With HRD 2010 returning to Olympia and only a few short days away have you planned your trip?
Listed below are the free seminars and workshops available for you to see on day 1.
Wednesday 21 April 2010
09:45-10:45 Stream: Professional Development Zone
Introducing 'My HR Map' - CIPD's new online self assessment tool
Discover CIPD's new online self-assessment tool - My HR Map. Learn how you can use it to assess your capability against the activities, knowledge and behaviors in the CIPD HR Profession Map. See how you can plan your professional development with access to recommendations for development. ...more
Delivered by: Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development
10:00-10:30 Stream: Topic Tasters
Could OD Make You a Better HR Practitioner?’
This session will discuss what is OD and what can it do for HR and the organisation? What makes OD difference from other change management solutions? And what skills do HR practitioners need to make sure they can support and deliver positive OD outcomes? ...more
Delivered by: Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development
10:00-10:45 Stream: Learning Arena
Communicate Effectively for Fun, For Free, For Forty-Five Minutes…..Fearlessly
Have you heard the one about the actor, the barrister and the magician? They're the team that will share their professional techniques to inspire you to communicate effectively with confidence and passion. ...more
Delivered by: Effective Communication Group,
10:45-11:15 Stream: Topic Tasters
Demonstrating the Non-tangible Benefit of Management Development Programmes
Quantifying the benefit of any management development programme is the hardest part of preparing a business case for the cost. Thames Water report the benefits accruing from an ongoing programme. ...more
Delivered by: Dove Nest Group
10:45-11:45 Stream: Professional Development Zone
Presenting your Case with Impact
Making sure your audience understand your message is key -helping them remember what you have said afterwards as they make decisions, accept your recommendations or change their behaviour is crucial. This session explores how to make an impact on your audience and make your message memorable. ...more
Delivered by: MOL
11:00-11:45 Stream: Learning Arena
How To Have A Difficult Conversation - a transactional analysis approach
Join our interactive session and learn how our mind set changes when we experience stress or pressure and how this may negatively impact our communication. Discover how Transactional Analysis can help you and your work colleagues manage this more effectively.
Delivered by: Learning Curve (TLC),
11:30-12:00 Stream: Topic Tasters
Creating 'Anywhere, Anytime' Learning
We will discuss how e-learning and video can help you reach more learners. We'll look at of how organisations, large and small, have reaped business benefits by creating a genuine 'anywhere, anytime' approach to learning. ...more
Delivered by: Video Arts
11:45-12:45 Stream: Professional Development Zone
New Look Membership & Qualifications - what's in it for you?
Hear about the new look CIPD membership and qualifications. Find out how they'll help you demonstrate and build your professional competence based on the knowledge, skills and behaviours required to be a successful HR practitioner. ...more
Delivered by: Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development
12:00-12:45 Stream: Learning Arena
Lie to Me - reading emotions and deceit through facial expressions
The ability to read emotions in others through micro and subtle facial expressions can be learned. This session will show you how.
Delivered by: Development Processes Group Plc
12:15-12:45 Stream: Topic Tasters
Self-Leadership- taking the initiative!
Develop your people to make the transition from responsiveness to responsibility; to take the initiative in idea generation, innovation and problem solving; tackle assumed constraints; collaborate; and recognise their Points of Power. ...more
Delivered by: Ken Blanchard Companies
12:45-13:15 Stream: Professional Development Zone
Are There Enough Hours in the Day?
A familiar cry from busy people everywhere, so how can we make best use of our time, achieve what we need and even more. This session considers how we use our time and shares some approaches to self management that can be put into practice straight away. ...more
Delivered by: MOL
13:00-13:30 Stream: Topic Tasters
Brilliant Decision Making
Getting decisions right- the first time- is increasingly important in today's stretched organisational environment. This talk will give potent and practical information to anyone who wants to consistently make top class decisions at work, and to encourage others to do the same.
Venue: Brilliant Decision Making -
Delivered by: NLP School
13:00-13:45 Stream: Learning Arena
Bring Alive and Sustain Learning - naturally!
Dull, boring, predictable- Don't blame the topic, engage the learner. This fun packed informative session is designed for trainers and presenters who dare to be different and have a passion for transformational learning. ...more
Delivered by: Tetramap
13:45-14:15 Stream: Topic Tasters
OD - why bother?
This session will help you to get a clearer fix on what OD is, what it is not and the different ways in which it is practised. Using Roffey Park’s own research and insights from its successful MSc in People and Organisational Development we will help you recognise and articulate the value that OD can bring to your organisation ...more
Delivered by: Roffey Park Institute Limited
13:45-14:45 Stream: Professional Development Zone
Buying in Training - how to ensure you get the training you deserve
This lively and interactive session using example, case study and discussion identifies the key issues that need to be addressed and covers the common mistakes L&D departments make when outsourcing. ...more
Delivered by: Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development
14:00-14:45 Stream: Learning Arena
Putting the Customer First – achieving lasting relationships.
Knowing and understanding your customer helps give you the skills to serve them effectively. How can you build on that success to generate trusting, valued relationships and develop customer loyalty to your business?
Delivered by: Steps Drama Learning Development Limited
14:30-15:00 Stream: Topic Tasters
10 Great Ideas to Turn Classroom Training into Exciting E-learning
With pressure on training budgets, many organisations are looking to convert classroom training to online learning. This session will cover 10 practical tips to help make this transition a success. ...more
Delivered by: Sponge UK
14:45-15:45 Stream: Professional Development Zone
Training with Vision – how to enhance your training courses with video
The role of video as a training tool is changing. With content now available in bite-sized chunks focussing on skills rather than a drama, trainer’s need to gain a new skill set of their own to be able to use these resources effectively. Terry Gillen, the CIPD DVDs’ originator and Series Consultant, shows you how to gain maximum value from them. ...more
Delivered by: Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development
15:00-15:45 Stream: Learning Arena
Why Won't People Listen To Me?
Do your ideas sometimes get dismissed? You have great thoughts but they don't always get taken forward. This session gives you practical tips on influencing others for impact. ...more
Delivered by: Hemsley Fraser Group Ltd
15:15-15:45 Stream: Topic Tasters
Selecting Coaches for the Generation Y Era and Beyond
What will new era coaches need to be capable of to support your emerging young talent? ...more
Delivered by: Unlimited Potential
15:45-16:45 Stream: Professional Development Zone
New Look Membership & Qualifications - what's in it for you?
Hear about the new look CIPD membership and qualifications. Find out how they'll help you demonstrate and build your professional competence based on the knowledge, skills and behaviours required to be a successful HR practitioner. ...more
Delivered by: Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development
16:00-16:30 Stream: Topic Tasters
Create, Load and Deliver Your Learning Content Using New Technologies
A look at how your organisation can begin to build a culture of collaborative and informal learning, engaging learners with your own content and utilising new technologies for learning and delivery. ...more
Delivered by: Working Manager,
The 16:00-16:45 Stream: Learning Arena
Short Activities can Initiate Change and Improve Performance. How?
Experience how short fun activities can, when well facilitated; introduce serious topics, stimulate personal thought, become a platform for personal and organisational change. ...more
Delivered by: MTa Learning
16:45-17:15 Stream: Topic Tasters
Leveraging Diversity for Competitive Advantage
Traditional approaches to diversity have focused on risk avoidance, today we will show you how to proactively create inclusive workplaces that get the best from your people and offer the best to your clients.
Delivered by: Impact International
17:00-17:45 Stream: Learning Arena
Experiential Learning at its Best
This session will facilitate a Teamscapes activity and a debriefing session that will demonstrate the power of Experiential Learning.
Delivered by: Sundial Group
17:30-18:00 Stream: Topic Tasters
The Challenge of the Digital Native Generation
Current and next generation learners will present major challenges to HR over the coming decade. This presentation will stimulate discussion about those challenges and their implications. ...more
Delivered by: Serious Games Institute