Welcome to #cipd11

#CIPD11 is the annual conference from the CIPD. It is Europe's leading Human Resource professionals event.

Over 3 days the Conference offers over 30 sessions covering five key subject areas including retention, talent management, learning and Organisational Development.

There are plenty of free seminars in the exhibition all for those on a budget.

Thursday, 22 April 2010

HRD 2010 Day 2

Interesting session on "measuring the true valu of workplace learning"

This featured two case studies one from VW uk and the other from a yorkshire NHS trust.

Using the methodology of Jack Phillips both organisations seek to understand the business need first.

This is great but the NHS are only looking at learner and compliance data. They have yet to engahe other stakeholders (which they acknowledge is the next part of the journey) but they are not looking at real value ROI as they have no performance costs/ measures of what it costs or how long it takes to do individual tasks - will the culture of the NHS ever be there? 10+ yrs ago when i worked in the private healthcare sector we knew the costs of everything, so I know it can be done.

For L&D to really measure the value of workplace learning we needto work very closely with the operating units, know the cost of every process and be able to measure any change as the result of any intervention. I know we are years away from doing this in many public sector orgs, but if the people doing this activity really do believe they are adding value, then sooner or later they are in for a very big shock!

Posted from handheld device

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