Welcome to #cipd11

#CIPD11 is the annual conference from the CIPD. It is Europe's leading Human Resource professionals event.

Over 3 days the Conference offers over 30 sessions covering five key subject areas including retention, talent management, learning and Organisational Development.

There are plenty of free seminars in the exhibition all for those on a budget.

Wednesday, 18 November 2009

Session D1 Beyond Employee Engagement

Rober Browton – Hay group insight

Clare Marriot – Rentokil pest control



Robert started by saying “hello Manchester”.. unfortunately the audience were not as engaging.

We were given the opportunity to talk with the person sitting next to us about yesterdays and our experience.

Robert wants our views on things.. is he expecting these things to be blogged or tweeted?


Today is about the idea of engagement and how you can measure it differently


Engagement is about unlocking peoples potential at work… what is your elevator pitch about it.. what does it mean to you? Passion, motivation, commitment were some of the ideas given from the floor.

Engagement is about enabling people to deliver there potential and the benefits it provides orgs..

The best orgs that do have EE are pulling ahead of the competition in the current downturn

84% of people say they are willing to help their team

85% say they are committed to helping their org to survive

People may think they are doing this – but are they actually doing it? Thought from the floor

63% feel their org is not appreciating the effort they are putting in

The leadership function is critical for engagement and having that engagement drive business performance and results.

To go beyond employee engagement we need to deliver – engagement-enablement-employee effectiveness. We need to look at a 4 box grid showing engagement-v-enablement

This matrix needs to be applied within the boundaries of the sector (i.e. finance) and to a lesser extent system limits.




Hand over to Clare

Clare gave on intro to the business and the scope that its 7000 people cover. With over 20 native languages, communication across the org can be a challenge.

Has earlier this year introduces new values – Service, Relationships, Teamwork – this was done to align all of the rentokil initial group. These were derived from global focus groups.

Measuring both customer and supplier engagement are linked and the org uses both for trend spotting and evaluation

With a show of hands 45-50% run staff surveys

30% use surveys to measure customer feedback

How many compare these two sets of results 5-10% - this beyond engagement is about looking beyond and customer surveys is a key part of this.

EE is linked to development of the brand of the company. Buy-in from the top of the business and BUMs for looking at EE was critical.

To gain the buy-in the key was to communicate, communicate, communicate and had conference calls every 2 weeks to manage and co-ordinate the process.

Communication included posters, reports. Powerpoint and this year an intranet site where the data is managed and feedback is available where resources are available for managers to help them improve key points. This is new this year but the group are excited about its possibilities.

Initial Rentokil run this annually in September and do the process on paper across the whole business. The survey window is 4 weeks long, and feedback is returned 3 weeks later.Rather than just feedback on the company, the system provides locally, and relevant results. The system produces powerpoint format presentation for each manager automatically

Recently the group has adopted the new Hay enablement survey as part of the process. Reports are produced for all teams greater than 5 people in size, this means that action is more likely to be taken on a team by team basis.

Response rates were 93% and have recently increased to 97% - this was much more than originally expected, this puts pressure on taking actions to deliver on survey findings.

Managers are targeted through objectives to improve results and included in every managers PDR


Key factors to make this work:
  • Invest in the management of the programme 
  • Attention to detail 
  • Link to everything – data internal and external


Draft post


Employee engagement surveys

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