Welcome to #cipd11

#CIPD11 is the annual conference from the CIPD. It is Europe's leading Human Resource professionals event.

Over 3 days the Conference offers over 30 sessions covering five key subject areas including retention, talent management, learning and Organisational Development.

There are plenty of free seminars in the exhibition all for those on a budget.

Wednesday, 27 August 2008

Welcome to the CIPD Annual conference 2008 in Harrogate

The HR event of the year, will you be there?

CIPD annual conference and exhibition is fast approaching (16-18 September 2008).

This, Europe's premier HR
conference and exhibition boasts a world class line-up of speakers addressing the key themes dominating HR and business, together with a new range of seminar formats including sector specific and interactive seminars, this year’s CIPD conference promises to be an event not to be missed.

The annual CIPD conference and exhibition is the event for leading practitioners to meet, network and hear the latest thoughts from the great thinkers in HR as well as to hear case studies from others. Whether you are attending the exhibition and the free seminars or the conference this blog will give you a delegates view of the proceedings.

Developing the developers Knowledge-Understanding-Action Change Management Coaching Motivational Speakers Scanning the Business Environment BIR - Business Diagnostics Mission Statement Continuing Professional Development Holistic Organizational Staff Survey Diagnostics PRIMO-F - Business Growth Model Organizational Diagnostics and development Resource Zone KPI examples Mike Morrison Employee satisfaction Coaching Sport Performer Porters Five Forces Force Field Analysis Business Coaching Psychometric Testing Glossary of Terms Creatrix - Innovation Inventory Action Learning Coaching Business Transformation Career Anchors Train the trainer Learning Styles SWOT analysis Micro sites Consulting Skills Product/ market matrix Mike Employee engagement Morrison Management Models Personal Development Plans Talent management Key Performance Indicators Coaching Videos Corporate Social Responsibility Critical Success Factors The PESTLE Analysis Executive coaching Learning Logs Best Practice Internal communications SMARTer objectives Life Coaching Business Values Intelligent Purchasing Deep Dive technique

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