Welcome to #cipd11

#CIPD11 is the annual conference from the CIPD. It is Europe's leading Human Resource professionals event.

Over 3 days the Conference offers over 30 sessions covering five key subject areas including retention, talent management, learning and Organisational Development.

There are plenty of free seminars in the exhibition all for those on a budget.

Thursday, 28 August 2008

HR technology GEEKs at the CIPD annual conference 2008

To support our capture of the data of this event we will be using an array of technology including:

My trusty JVC mininote - this small laptop has provided me with mobile computing for over 4 years.

As a more simple and immediate tool my Orange M700 has proven to be a valuable contributor - able to take a photo, add text and publish directly to a blog - BUT with a small screen based screen I would not want to use it for too long...

This is a digitizing tablet - great for meetings, captures text and images that can be uploaded to PC to use later. this will be useful for session where there is a lot of information being shared that will be more suited to paper based capture.

New technology on order that I hope to be using.....

The Pocket surfer is a browser only connected palm-held with 'always on' connectivity, and a 'real web' experience.
This device should provide most of the functions of the JVC and the M700, but without camera connectivity. But its great size and keyboard will mean faster response times - provided by Training Journal

And lastly a potential replacement for my JVC - the new OneT+ from Elonex

Delivery has been promised before the new school term... but I'm not holding my breath. While this will connect to Wifi networks, I am not convinced that is unique operating system will work with a mobile dongle - so this will be interesting.
Note to self... bring charging leads... battery chargers and a BIG case to carry it all in....


Mike Morrison said...

As a professional often on the move, I am always on the look out for new gadgets that will help me communicate more easily. In the run-up to an event like the CIPD conference at Harrogate many of you may well be considering bringing technology to help you take notes.

Courtesy of Training Journal I have been given a Pocketsurfer2 to review. I will be using the device for the next couple of weeks. in fact this post has been started on the PocketSurfer2.

The PocketSurfer2 is a pocket diary size device with 'instant' mobile phone technology connection to the web. it uses a Motorola RAZR style keyboard, so anywhere you can use a mobile, this device will allow you to surf. At first looks it appears to be a cross between a mobile phone and a laptop.

More to follow as I put the device through its paces as any HR or Training professional would want to use such a device.

Mike Morrison said...

Ok the Elonex onet+ did finally arrive - of the two I ordered both were 'mis-directed' by the courier and eventually replacements sent - both a different colour from that which was originally ordered.
One has a broken hinge cover but otherwise functions well - the other just will not connect to a wireless network - so neither of these will be travelling with me to Harrogate!

Mike Morrison said...

technology in training...
OK so the event is over... it was interesting that I attempted all of the technologies with varying success. In the end most of the posts (because they were longer than original anticipated) were done via internet station in the exhibition area.

My trusty M700 was my main instrument of choice - taking pictures and starting the post. This was then emailed to the blog. Then later I was able using a standard internet connection to log in and fill in the details using a full sized keyboard and mouse!

The Pocket-Surfer was OK for viewing and reading comments or doing research, but the device really did not like the Blogging platform - navigating around the admin functions was near impossible.

As I opted not to bring a mobile dongle I was relying WiFi - but that was a mistake in the halls - not reliable at all. And as for the Elonex onet+... well the less said the better.