Welcome to #cipd11

#CIPD11 is the annual conference from the CIPD. It is Europe's leading Human Resource professionals event.

Over 3 days the Conference offers over 30 sessions covering five key subject areas including retention, talent management, learning and Organisational Development.

There are plenty of free seminars in the exhibition all for those on a budget.

Friday, 5 September 2008

MyEvent - The social networking space for CIPD conference attendees

One of the first things I received after my booking was confirmed was an email providing access details to a new CIPD service called MyEvent.

After logging in you have the options of setting a personal profile and joining a range of groups - each around the conference Keynote sessions and the streams. The environment has the look and feel of a FaceBook style environment.

Users have the ability to build 'friend' lists, share comments, have conversations with other attendees. The interface is clean and easy to use.

I suspect that this technology is the sort of enhancement that the CIPD member communities will benefit from. Lets see if it works in practice for an event which has a tight timetable - I suspect it will get used more after the event than during...


Steve Bridger said...

Mike - you're ahead of me here; I am yet to have a proper look around the MyEvent functionality, but am eager to do so.

Thanks for your phone message about this, by the way.

Catch up next week. Have a good weekend.


Community Manager
CIPD Communities

Mike Morrison said...

Hi Steve,
Thanks for your comment, please feel free to add your experiences here too...

Peter Ramsden said...


Can anyone blog on here or do your need a password? I am attending the exhibition and have received my pass but I guess the blog is for full conference delegates?

I will be fully tooled up with laptop and mobile broadband so I can blog to my hearts content time permitting

Comments appreciated

Mike Morrison said...

Hi Peter,
This is a personal blog and not a part of the conference 'offer' if you would like to blog then phone me and I will give you publishing rights - my details are on my CIPD profile page or www.rapidbi.com - sorry but I wont put personal contact details here!

Mike Morrison said...

Peter, having considered this, what I have done is preset a number of posts - one for each conference session - you can then freely comment your learning , thoughts etc with other - just remember that the majority of people reading this Blog will not have attended, so do your utmost to post key learning points etc...
the blog entries will be live as each session starts - so as soon as you leave you can add your comments!


see this post for more details

Mike Morrison said...

Peter - if you meant can anyone post in MyEvent - then yes if you are a conference attendee...